
Monday, October 10, 2016

Umaibou ; popular and delicious Japansese stick snack

There are many delicious Japanese snack.
Among them, Umaibou is one of the most popular snack. "Umai" means delicious, and "bou" means stick.

There is a wide variety of tastes in Umai-bou and the tastes is displayed in package.

While each taste of Umaibou is delicious, my especially favorite tastes are following.

1. "コーンポタージュ": Corn portage. This taste express so good harmony of spiciness and sweetness.

2. "たこ焼き":Takoyaki, which is originally Japanese food, fried octopus dumpling.

3. "チーズ": Cheese.

4. "てりやきバーガー": Teriyaki Burger.

5. "やさいサラダ": Vegetable Salad.

You can buy them at supermarket or convenience store by only 10 yen per one.
Umaibou is really delicious, unique and yet cheap, so I recommend you try this when you visit Japan.

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