
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

20 Inspirational Motivational quotes by Japanese positive great men; it encourages us!

Inspirational quotes of great person motivate and encourage us even when you're in tough time. Here, such that quotes by Japanese are listed.

  • Anyway, Do it. The guy who gives up before doing is the most boring human being. (Eizaburo Nishibori)

  • Don't lose heart by just fire. If it fails, you can do it over again. (Eizaburo Nishibori)

  • The most terrible thing for people is to live by inertia. If you have ambition, you will not get bored. We must seek improvement. (Eizaburo Nishibori)

  • No matter what a wonderful vision you have, you can not realize without fighting at the risk of life. (Masayoshi Son)

  • When you feel that you will not be rewarded even if you make an effort, in most cases, you have not yet made a real effort. (Masayoshi Son)

  • The important thing is to head straight towards the ambition, whatever surrounding people say. (Masayoshi Son)

  • The fact you are said about various things by people means you are conscious. (Masayoshi Son)

  • There is a scene that will be visible for the first time by challenging. (Masayoshi Son)

  • It is said that you should buy your hardships while you are young. Exactly, the more you experience the impossible difficulty, the more the potentiality is strong. (Masayoshi Son)

  • Plateau appears only in front of people who can do it. It only comes to people who may be exceeded. So, I think it is a chance when there is a Plateau. (Ichiro)

  • To grab a dream can not be done at once. By accumulating small things, you will be able to release unbelievable powers someday. (Ichiro)

  • In order to play at high level speed, I am constantly preparing my body and mind. The most important thing for myself is to prepare perfectly before the game. (Ichiro)

  •  I do not want to live a way with consciousness of third party's evaluation. I want to live my way of life. (Ichiro)

  • When you do not get results, it's important how you are. The posture that never gives up will bring a chance to create something. (Ichiro)

  • If it is surely rewarded when you challenge something, everyone will definitely challenge. Where it may not be rewarded, continuing with the same passion, energy and motivation is a very difficult thing. I think that's the talent. (Yoshiharu Habu)
  • While taking a detour, what you struggled to master will be useful until later than what I got easily. (Yoshiharu Habu)

  • New attempts will be rarely successful. But if you do not do it, your world gets limited. (Yoshiharu Habu) 

  • Whatever you do will end up being a fight and a gut. Do things simply without thinking things complicatedly. (Takafumi Horie)

  • It is not fun in the situation that everyone is bad, only one person is good. It is fun to think about how to win the same level or stronger than yourself. (Takafumi Horie)

  • Just push it all the way to directly connect with what you want to do. (Takafumi Horie) 

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