
Monday, February 11, 2019

Where to visit in Hiraizumi, World Heritage city [Tohoku sightseeing in Japan]

Hiraizumi in Iwate prefecture is famous sightseeing spot for the fact that there are some world heritages such as Chusonji temple. Hiraizumi is historically a base point in Tohoku region of power such as Oshu-Fujiwarashi, so there are many historical heritages.
Actually, there are many unique to Japan viewpoints. I recommend to visit this region. Here, where to visit in Hiraizumi are introduced.


Takkoku-no-Iwaya is a unique viewpoint. This is a Buddhist temple which was build by Sakanoue no Tamuramaro about 1200 years before. He came Hiraizumi from Kyoto to conquer Tohoku region, so this temple is influenced by Kiyomizudera temple in Ktyoto.
You can access to Takkoku-no-Iwaya by bus, bicycle or taxi from Hiraizumi station.

Chusonji Temple

Chusonji Temple is a world heritage and the most famous sightseeing spot in Hiraizumi. It's famous for Konjikido, this is a golden Buddhistic hall! In order to protect golden hall from wind and rain, Konjikido is inside covering hall as above picture.
Chusonji Kojinkido is popular for the quiet atmosphere and it's sometimes broadcast at Japanese TV program.

Motsuji Temple

Motsuji Temple is also a world heritage. This temple is built about 1200 years before and the pond of garden reminds until now. The garden express the land of Perfect Bliss.
It's cold in Tohoku region, so you can see the pond frozen in winter as following picture.


Hiraizumi Cultural Heritage Center 

Many artifact at Hiraizumi are exhibited in Hiraizumi Cultural Heritage Center. You can see old item such as desk and Toilet Paper of 1000 years before age. You can enter here for free.
Yumenokaze (restaurant for lunch)

There are many restaurants in Hiraizumi. Yumenokaze is one of my recommendations.
You can have a mochi (rice cake) with various flavouring and Wanko Soba. They are local dishes around there, they are delicious!
Yumenokaze is near Chusonji Temple. 

Hotspring and Ryokan


There are hot-spring ryokan (Japanese style hotel). You can relax with Japanese style room, hot-spring and dinner.

Hiraizumi station


Hiraizumi station is a point for sightseeing. You can arrive at Hiraizumi station by going Ichinoseki station by Shinkansen and transferring to local train.
There are information center, coin locker, bus/taxi stop and convenience store. The clerks are kind.

Sightseeing bus "Runrun"

The sightseeing bus "Runrun" is convenient for going around in Hiraizumi. You can access to main sightseeing spots such as Chusonji Temple and Motsuji Temple by this bus.
You can buy 1 day ticket for bus at sightseeing information center in front of Hiraizumi station.


There are many souvenirs in Hiraizumi. Especially, I like sweets made by Zunda (ずんだ). Zunda is Green soybeans and known as local specialty of Tohoku region. The taste is unique and delicious.
Hiraizumi is not so crowded and many people are kind, so you can go around comfortably. 

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