
Thursday, May 3, 2018

Yanase Takashi memorial hall, Anpanman museum; one of the most popular anime in Japan

Anpanman is one of the overwhelming popular anime for children in Japan. Anmanpan is a hero who helps people in need.
The author is Yanase Takashi, his memorial hall is in Kochi prefecture where is his birthplace. It exhibits about Anpanman and other mangas. It's also called Anpanman museum.
The object of Anpanman is in the open square in front of the museum. He is a symbol of love and courage.

There are many exhibitions which children might enjoy of course.
Anpanman is originally a bread, anpan. His face is made by anpan and give a part of it to a person who is hungry. The author contain the message "a sacrifice is inevitable really for justice" in his work.
This hall shows pictures and also the philosophical messages which the author put thought into Anpanman. So adults can also enjoy there. We might get creative motivation from the space.

Actually, the author of Anpanman is a late bloomer. Anpanman is very popular in Japan now, but it is when he was 50 years old that he created Anpanman. He enjoyed his life still 90's! This facts might motivate us.

You can go to there by bus from Tosayamada station. The bus is full of pictures of Anmapanman, it's cute.


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