
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Where to visit in Nara park; my recommended rouite

Nara park is one of the most interesting sightseeing spots for traveller in Japan. Nara was the capital of Japan 1300 years before, so there are historical templs, shrines, museums and also cute deer. Actually I'm from Nara and I will show my recommended rouite in Nara park here.



1. Nara station (JR line)

You can access to Nara park by foot from Nara station of JR line or Kintetsu line. Souvenir shops are in station building. And there is a sightseeing information center in front of Nara station.

2. Shopping arcade and Sanjo street

There are many shops and restaurants at this shopping arcade Sanjo street between Nara park and Nara station. You can enter also Karaoke.

3. Statue of Gyoki


Statue of Gyoki is on Nara station of Kintetsu line. This is convenient to meeting and I often use it.
Gyoki is historical Japanese monk who contribute to charity work and build Todaiji temple.

4. Feeding Shika Senbei to deers

There are many deer in Nara park. You can buy Shika Senbei and feed it to deer. It might be pretty experience.

5. Street for Todaiji temple

I recommend to turn left at "Daibutsuden (大仏殿)" intersection after entering Nara park. There are many shops and stall stands.
Many people might feed Shika Senbei to deer here, too.

6. Nandaimon Gate of Todaiji and the statue of Kongo-Rikishi

Nandaimon Gate of Todaiji and the statue of Kongo-Rikishi are very famous gate in Japan.
The statue of Kongo-Rikishi was build by historical monk Chogen about 800 years before and it is designated a national treasure.

7. Todaiji temple Hall of the Great Buddha

Todaiji temple Hall of the Great Buddha is the highlight in Nara park. The great Buddha is really big.
It's not free for entering the hall (600 yen for an adult), but I recommend to look this statue. It might be impressive experience.

8. Kasuga Taisha shrine

Kasuga Taisha shrine is one of the most famous shrine in Japan. It was build about 1300 years before.
This is designated an world heritage.
Seasonal events are held there. For example, this is illuminated at night in summer.

9. Wakakusa mountain

Mt. Wakakusa is a small mountain, it's covered by beautiful green lawn.
The view from top is nice, so I recommend to enter it if you have time.

10. Nigatsudo

Nigatsudo is good viewpoint, this is my favorite spot in Nara park. You can view Nara park and Nara city. It has a typical Japanese atmosphere.

11. The street from Nigatsudo

The street from Nigatsudo is also my favorite spot. This street has a very typically Japanese atmosphere.

12. Kofukuji temple

Kofukuji temple is typical Japanese style temple, this was built by power Fujiwara about 1300 years ago. This is designated an world heritage.

13. Sarusawaike pond

Sarusawaike pond is a place for relaxation. The scene which is reflected on the surface of the water is beautiful.
Especially, Tokae is famous event of Nara park. You can view special light view there.

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