
Friday, January 4, 2019

5 ways to make friends in Japan

Japanese are generally kind, but many Japanese are shy for foreigner especially because they aren't good at speaking English.
However, some Japanese want to make friends with foreigner, so there are some ways for foreigner to find friends in Japan.
Here, my recommended 5 way to make friends are shown.

1. Attend English meetup

English meetup are held. Participant talk in English for practicing it, Japanese studying English attend there.
Foreigner also can attend there in many cases.
I think many people who study English want to make friends with foreigner.
You can interact with Japanese participant and be able to exchange contact and make friends.

For example, you can attend following meetup.


(Leafcup, English cafe and school)

2. Play Shogi (Japanese chess)

Shogi is Japanese chess, it's recently popular in Japan owing to genius player Sota Fujii.
Foreigner Shogi player is very rare, so if you are foreigner and play shogi, you might attract attention and make friends.

You can play shogi at some places, for example Shogi Kaikan.

This blog writes about shogi in English.

If you want to pay Shogi in Japan, please let me know.

3. Attend tour

There are some tour in Japan such as Hato bus tour.
Participants for tour are often good mood, so you have a chance to make friends with other participants.
Actually, I made foreign frends at bus tour and meet at a later date.

4. Use website or SNS

There are some website for making friends with Japanese. You can avail it.
Besides that, you might be able to interact with some Japanese and meet them.
Actually, I made friends at Instagram and show them around in Tokyo.

5. Do work

If you live in Japan, doing work is one effective way to interact with Japanese. You can choose a job which you have a chance to do that.
For example, teaching your mother language or English let you have a chance to talk with students and other worker.
Besides that, clerk at convenience store or supermarket etc. let you have a chance to speak Japanese with customer and other Japanese worker.

I also would like to make foreigner friends, then please let me know when you come to Japan.